Noviembre de 2024
The goal of our "My Robot" activity was to teach our 1st Form Primary School students the value of teamwork and collaboration. Through fun, hands-on learning, they discovered how to work together, share ideas, and support one another - important lessons for both the classroom and beyond! They also learned that, while its great to have friends nearby, sometimes theyll need to work with new classmates. Embracing this challenge helps build resilience, communication skills, and the ability to adapt to different situations.
Great job, little learners! Keep up the amazing teamwork!
Miss Vanesa
Fechas para agendar
Clase abierta de Educación Física
Pesebre viviente 6° grado para salas de 3 y 4 TM
Misa Fin de Cursos 3° 4° y 5°
Acto Egresados
Acto Egresados 2da. fecha
Celebración navideña salas de 3 y 4 TT
"Encuentro con mi grupo" ingresantes a EP 2025 2° 3° 4°